Contact Us

To get started with services at Hearth Counseling & Consulting, PLLC please fill out the form below. Filling out this form will generate an appointment request. We will connect you with the most appropriate clinician in the practice based on your needs, selection, and/or availability. 

Please allow our administrative team 24 hours to review and forward your requestion to your selected therapist who will be in contact with you for a 15-minute consultation call to ensure appropriate fit. Please see our therapists’ profiles to learn more about our therapists and payment/insurance coverage for services.

Once an appointment is scheduled, the client will receive an email from SimplePractice with instructions on completing paperwork before their appointment. We look forward to serving you!

Please Note: If documentation, insurance, and payment are not completed 24 hours before the planned session, the session will be canceled.


8362-102 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27615
